We've landed in NZ and it's now 07/11/14 yes dates are written a little funky here, days first then month followed by the year. We are also a day ahead of USA so if anybody wants advice on some winning lotto numbers just send me a message.
First impressions of NZ
While flying in it was very sunny; but wexited the plane in dreary clouds and rain. Followed by more brilliant sunlight and tons of wind as we left the airport and boarded a bus to Auckland city center. Lesson learned: N'S weather is very temperamental weather.
Auckland bus drivers rule the road and do not stop for cars, pedestrians, or baby carriages. This is only a slight exaggeration but I was really happy to be off the bus. Although now we're targets, not the best trade.
People drive on the wrong side of the road. Which means that they walk on the wrong side of the road. It took a bit for us to figure this out so Cody and I were the rude pedestrians for a while.
The way we instictivly look to cross a road is wrong. We cant trust our instincts and have to keep in mind that every car is trying to run us over.
NZ people are some of the friendliest on earth, but that won't stop them from running you over...With a smile on their face :)
Someone has got to be pumping steroids into the ground water because plants are HUGE. Big trees are everywhere! And there is so much variety. We have no idea what half of the plants are but they are all very beautiful, and flowering right now.
Everyone is very fit in this city. There are hundreds of bikers and walkers that are out and about all day long.
Our first experience with a grocery store was incredibly frustrating. Cody and I spent 4 hours looking for the nearest grocery store to our hostel. It was hidden on the 2nd floor inside of a mall. Who does that?
By the way, Ziplocs are called "food wrappers" and diapers are called "nappies." And a "niggle" is apparently some descriptive word for some body part that we have yet to identify.
There is no free wifi! Accept at certain public libraries.
I'll close this post for now, we are preparing our food drops to send out tomorrow. And we'll be on the trail day after that.
New Zealand is very beautiful, and has exceeded all of our expectations.
Vegemite?? It plainly shows in the photo that it's made in Australia! You need Marmite here just off to the right...